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Welcome to Sheila's job blog at GA. 

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today I had professional development with my school. It went ok. Boy does schools have a lot to consider about attendance. It’s a whole big thing. Then I ate lunch with my team and someone who is high up. Like my manager manager manger. It was fun. Then my leaders decided it would be good to offer office time at the office for service to do work together and throw ideas around and resources. We did that for the afternoon and then I made dinner. Then watched the devils wears parda but didn’t finish it cuz I found something I could do on my ps3. Plus that movie is long and I have seen it so many times.

Christmas as music is being played on the radio!!!!!

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

I realize I didn't make a post about yesterday. Yesterday was a good day. I was able to meet with 2 of my focus list students for one group. I was one for one with my groups yesterday. In one group, none of them came, and the other 2 out of three showed up. I know they enjoyed it because the teacher asked. Plus I was laid back like I let them play with their toys after I explain who I was. Last night my apartment had a meeting, and of course, we stayed up late talking.

Today was another good day. I didn't meet with any of my focus students. Online learning is a struggle for students. The poor children don't know how to get their homework, might not have the internet, or goodness knows what is going on at home for them. But it was fun to hang with one of my teachers, just the teacher and me, and then one of her students that she dismissed came back. So I stayed for that. Control Alt Z makes Zoom stop talking. I needed to ask my service group from my school.

So I know I emailed a few people about being able to donate to my school. But not everyone. So my school is working towards making sure that all the students can have a thanksgiving feast. So if you would be kind and donate, it would mean a lot. If you want to donate, you can Venmo, either my school leader or me (Sheila-Sullivan25). I pinky swear it will get to school as soon as you give it to me, through their website, write a check, make it out to Persistence Prep, and send it to Persistence Prep 833 Michigan Ave, Buffalo NY 14203 and put attention to Joelle Formato. Here is the website for donating through it: If you want to help more, please email me or text me. If you want to Venmo Joelle, I can text you that information or email. There are other ways. Just tell me what you want, and I will get that information. Thank you!!!

  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today I had the day off. Only a meeting with my entire service group about traveling. I did some art, made some PP, Pinterest kindergarten ways to help my foucs list and actucally did one of the ideas. yay me. I did vote early in a way because of absentee ballot being away from PA. I did a lot of my to do’s. my fail. measure twice cut once also can be put as look twice cut once.

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