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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today started off okay. First the leader of my school told us that Cumo was going to make an announcement about Covid and apperently the increase that Erie has. I don’t know much about this cuz I don‘t listen or watch the news unless it’s something I care about. The k team was good. Not a lot of big things going on. Then I decided to look at the changes and yuck. Slowly back to shut down. Back to the hunger games. Maybe time to start watching it. I want to go back to school in person. None of this online. There were some other blue things but I’m gonna keep it private. I want Dunkin’. I also want Popeyes and nachos that my family would make when it’s super bowl. I had soupy noodles for dinner cuz I didn’t want to defrost my chili. I forgot to get it out earlier. I also had teddy grahams.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today was a really lazy day for me. I woke up at 11 even though I set my alarm for ten. Then scrolled through tik rock until 12. Then decided to be productive. Meaning do my laundry and eat brunch. I finished my laundry and just chilled out. Didn’t do much. I played on my switch, watch vlogs, tik tok, and played on my iPad. I also laid in my bed for a decent amount of the day. I had Mac and cheese for dinner. I did VacuuM.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today I started my day at a somewhat reasonable hour. Like ten and ate breakfast. Then I went to the grocery store. Then I made muddy buddies for team day at 2:30. We went to Delaware park the Japanese garden and it was so much fun. We played Phase Ten and watched a wedding photo shoot and a 10 year birthday shoot. Plus lots of praades going on Mostly honking horns. Saw dogs. Then went to one of my teammate house cuz it was cold at 6:30pm. More phase ten. Saw a kitty. That’s about it. I also tried new food!

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