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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today was preety darn good. The kiddos were good. But the internet had its problems. I got two shout outs from the students. I also bought my new Keriug. It’s preety. I will miss my stickers on my old one. great care package idea for anyone. I had to change my schedule for the kiddos. I played my switch and sims.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today I had training with my entire service organization. It was good. We did a lot of different things. We went over time, like an hour. Then I had a club meeting, which was the first, and that was great, but we were all tired from looking at a screen starting at nine am until 5:30 and a 10-minute break. I was able to text with my leader about my small group. My friend from college even texted me and saw how I was doing. Now I wait for her to subscribe. The internet went out in the apartment, and that was not fun. I had Lean Cuisine Mac and Cheese Vermont. I would go to Target to get my new Keriug, but everything ran late, and I didn't want to drive late. Oh, I guess it stormed bad last night, or it was windy because the tree outside my window at my desk now has no leaves. It had some leaves yesterday, but now it has none. Oh, this is also my 100 post.

the tree and sunset.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Nov 11, 2020

Today kindergarten was crazy. They didn't do any of the Zoom norms, so my teacher had to use her teacher's voice. It was a wee scary, but it was fine. I then followed the same class to their math class. During our break, I made a crown for my teacher with the Zoom norm instead of jewels because I thought I was funny and still do. Some joys from this week and last week are that my students are opening up. They want to stay the whole time and not leave early. They are always smiling when they are back with their teacher. Today I got to talk to one of my other teachers in the other classroom, and boy, did that help a lot. Knowing I am not the only one who doesn't do online learning. I learned about the student I had and just listened to her talk. I also got to talk, and she got to learn about me. My Keriug decided to break again, and mom and I decided to get a new one. SO I will be going to Target tomorrow to get a new one. I had ham for dinner with apple sauce, and it was so yummy. I also got my name tag.

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