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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today was good. I had professional development with my school. It was helpful. Then I had a little break. Then at 2:15 me and two other members of my service went to Spot in Amherst. We were supposed to go to Elemwood. We got there just late. Then at Spot we sat and talked. I’m with a whole bunch of non city people. They like hunting, chickens, and guns and etc. Then me who’s like the city has not much of that. Then we walked up and down Elemwood avenue. It was fun. It also flurried snow. I was wanting to be like it’s snowing during PD but I stayed quiet.

I got a goodie bag of food from my some of the service behind the senses people and a thank you note. We found a comic book place and they had free comic books. Then my clockwork orenge came from a give a book or take a book. Halloween bag that’s in the bag had some candy and then the bottom photo that has my name spelled wrong had more food.

elemwood, lean cuisine and cider for dinner, and plus a wallet that was super adorable.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today was trying cuz it was dress in a custome. The children had no patience for raising there hands. But the good part was that we all got to be together virtually for their party. Very little reading and math time. It was a lot of fun and super cute to see there costumes. I dressed up as an elephant with my onsie. The children tried my patience. diging going on outside my window. Somewhat distracting.

two different activities in this paper. drawing a monster and a pumpkin.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Oct 28, 2020

Today was a good day at school. I got to retell The Three Little Pigs even though the student who pointed out to the teacher she forgot me didn‘t do his. But I got to be first. Children retelling stories and they get to be creative are great for example using multiple peices of paper and adding extra animals to stories. It was a lot of fun! Today a great line from a kiddo was “I want a ghost.” It was superhero day and it was so cute to see them dressed as superhero’s. Last night I decided I wanted to redorcate my room. Tommrrow is custome day!

Desk update

Putting string lights in my closet #watchtoomanyvlogsortiktock #lotsofvera


three little pigs


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