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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Wednesday long

Today I had training with my entire service organization. It was good. We did a lot of different things. We went over time, like an hour. Then I had a club meeting, which was the first, and that was great, but we were all tired from looking at a screen starting at nine am until 5:30 and a 10-minute break. I was able to text with my leader about my small group. My friend from college even texted me and saw how I was doing. Now I wait for her to subscribe. The internet went out in the apartment, and that was not fun. I had Lean Cuisine Mac and Cheese Vermont. I would go to Target to get my new Keriug, but everything ran late, and I didn't want to drive late. Oh, I guess it stormed bad last night, or it was windy because the tree outside my window at my desk now has no leaves. It had some leaves yesterday, but now it has none. Oh, this is also my 100 post.

the tree and sunset.

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1 comentário

12 de nov. de 2020

Congratulations on writing your 100th post - that’s great!

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