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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today I was plodding getting the day started. I woke up at basically noon. Then I had a pop tart and OJ. Then I just laid on my couch- didn't want to go grocery shopping or do anything. I am also exhausted. I finally got myself to go grocery shopping. I bought myself Hawaiian Punch. I also stopped at CVS to get my medication and a few things. Nothing really fun going on. I played my switch for a little. I also watched the new episode of Greys. I then watched 9-1-1. I had lasagna for dinner.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Mar 13, 2021

Today was good. I had Pd with my school. But I was late because I overslept a little. But I still made it there. Then at noon, the car was done with the mechanic, and I had to pick up my car from the mechanic. Yesterday after work, I dropped my car off at the mechanic. That mechanic is so nice. I called him my doctor for my car. Thank you to my uncle for making a list and him being the first choice. It was a good one. The mechanic was asking me questions that I didn’t have answers to. Yesterday I learned He’s a super flexible person like with scheduling. The guy told me that car looks perfect, like not worn out-. I am like in my head it has marks and not been to a car wash. I was like, wait; my car still looks new. He also got the wiper back on. I couldn’t get that wiper on. I was stunned. 😮😲😦 He also told me that I could clean the headlights. So, I got the car, and the windows were clean. Yesterday they weren’t. The windows were dirty, and I did not have any intention to get them clean. He loved how the car looked because I guess it has many miles but still in mint condition to him. The guy also has a German Shepperd. It was so cute.

Then I went to get my vaccine. Somewhat nutty, Cuz I am sometimes directionally not put together. Then I went to the Japanese garden with my team, so we plan something. Then I came home. I played my switch and ate dinner. Then more switch.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today was exhausting. The children are acting like they are teenagers. I felt really cranky after I left school. It rubbed off on me. I emailed my manager and asked her a lot of questions and telling her my problems. #Thatsselfcareforsheila

You know I don't have my life together when I haven't updated my planner, and it still is on Monday. I did that today but put what I have to do tomorrow's agenda. HAHAHA! It just shows how crazy K can be that you forget. The children were only okay today in the classroom I am in fully. The other K class was great- during the STEAM. We had a circle with the whole school, and that was a lot of fun. We made lava lamps in the STEAM. It was so cool to see the student's reactions. But boy, oh boy, no wonder the teacher wants me there- not knowing any of their names and getting the children confused- that happened during circle when she gave awards out.

I have also found a new lazy way to make sure I don't have an extra step in the morning. It's by keeping my computer in my backpack and charging it from there. The backpack is most times on my desk chair. An example is a picture below. I also put my name tag on my backpack, so it's on me, and I don't have to think about it in the morning.

I had spaghetti and meat sauce for dinner from Stuffers, and it was yummy. I keep saying I need garlic bread but never get any.

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