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  • Sheila E Sullivan


Updated: Mar 13, 2021

Today was good. I had Pd with my school. But I was late because I overslept a little. But I still made it there. Then at noon, the car was done with the mechanic, and I had to pick up my car from the mechanic. Yesterday after work, I dropped my car off at the mechanic. That mechanic is so nice. I called him my doctor for my car. Thank you to my uncle for making a list and him being the first choice. It was a good one. The mechanic was asking me questions that I didn’t have answers to. Yesterday I learned He’s a super flexible person like with scheduling. The guy told me that car looks perfect, like not worn out-. I am like in my head it has marks and not been to a car wash. I was like, wait; my car still looks new. He also got the wiper back on. I couldn’t get that wiper on. I was stunned. 😮😲😦 He also told me that I could clean the headlights. So, I got the car, and the windows were clean. Yesterday they weren’t. The windows were dirty, and I did not have any intention to get them clean. He loved how the car looked because I guess it has many miles but still in mint condition to him. The guy also has a German Shepperd. It was so cute.

Then I went to get my vaccine. Somewhat nutty, Cuz I am sometimes directionally not put together. Then I went to the Japanese garden with my team, so we plan something. Then I came home. I played my switch and ate dinner. Then more switch.

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1 Comment

Mar 13, 2021

That’s an impressive day!

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