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Welcome to Sheila's job blog at GA. 

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today was a crazy day of not a lot of communication. People didn't know were coming. People sent out notices for earlier. Others had commitments with their schools and couldn't be where they were supposed to. I got to hang out with my team for a little. I also got to make ravioli. I had five cheese rigatoni and garlic bread, and it was yummy. But in the end, I got to get out of work really early, which was really nice. I have been able to sit around and do nothing.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Mar 20, 2021

Today was a good day at work. I stayed a little after to help transition the classroom, but I wasn't needed in the classroom. I get a spring break which I am so happy about. I have learned that I have mastered the art of coffee.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today started well. Then the afternoon came, and the children were off the walls. Some days I have been able to drive with my window open and my sunroof open, which is nice. Not a lot of anything fun going on.

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