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Welcome to Sheila's job blog at GA. 

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today was a warm day in Buffalo. It was up to 62. The school was good. We got to go for a walk outside two times. The first time was a hit; the second time wasn't as big. They don't understand that they have to come back because of dismal. I got a mail from the GA Black girls. I also got my Jade roller. I got to ride with my window down, and the sunroof opens a little. I was afraid of forgetting to close them, but I didn't. My jade roller is quite nice. I had to make more coffee, and I had leftover coffee and wanted that on top, so milk spilled in the glass holding the leftover coffee. I thought it looked cool. Also found three pennies when I was stopping to get my mail.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Mar 11, 2021

Today was a good day at school. One of the children had to leave early cuz of allergies and asthma. This child is so stinking cute and a lot of fun. The other classroom I am in had steam, so I helped out as usual. I was late to a small group, and I walked into my Monday and Tuesday class, and one of the children noticed and started pointing at the ground to where I was to be seated. You don’t notice the little things until you were gone for a week and then had to do virtual for another week. So seeing all of the children just wanting me makes me happy. Then tonight, dad helped me with my resume because it's #toomuchadulting. In my classes, they are talking about family trees. #dadsfavorite #noirishnames Oh, the children I work with don’t know what a Leprechaun is. #imsoirish

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Mar 11, 2021

Today I was back in person. It was good. The children kept me on my toes. During dismal, one of the students asked where I was, and I told the child when I am in that classroom, I will tell where I was. In the few days I was home, my mother somehow made a point that you need a milk frother to make grade A coffee. I ordered mine, and it came today. I used it a little for my coffee. It’s hot pink.

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