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Welcome to Sheila's job blog at GA. 

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 23, 2023

4&5 I lead and help where needed. That week was teacher appreciation week, and I got gifts from students. Friday, I ran art class all day. It was fun.

8 I lead a class. Today I floated. I got another teacher appreciation gift.

I got one candle, hand sanitizers, Trader Joe's food and gift card, a Starbucks gift card, 2 Target gift cards, a chick Fla gift card, and an American Express gift card. Oh, and a plant. Today's letter from the student is so what he would say if he could.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 23, 2023

This and last week, I have been floating around. Helping where I can. I have learned that some children like to try other classmates' food that they don't eat. It's almost the end of the school year.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 23, 2023

Last week I was leading classes or did half lead, then floated. It was an interesting week because we had one teacher call out, and two would be late. One was late, and the other came in soon after arrival ended for teachers. I combined the classes. Today and tomorrow are IEP meetings. I worked on my art plans for next year. Created the necessary Google sheets for scheduling.

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