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  • Sheila E Sullivan

In art we have been learning about Vincent van Goug. I decided on sunflowers. They drew them and we painted them. This week for a couple of days the ac has been out. It's been awful. Some kids will get to finish painting and others will fix there paintings. Others we the kids and I have to figure out what they are going to do. Also have been learning what clasess need week to week projects. Others have been thriving on my artist of the month.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Summer break happened. I worked Tuesday and Thursday at my job.

The last week of July we had meetings and prep for the upcoming school year.

Then August 1 the students started. I am teaching art this year in the mornings and I am a paraprofessional in the afternoon. Teaching art is exhausting. I have to plan- which I sorta did last year but now it's full gear. I also have to prep. I teach all the kids. Even high school!

The first class we went over rules. The second class we did color wheels. That's for this and last week. Next week we go into Artists like Van Gough. High school got out of rules and color wheel. If they finish early I let them free draw or color.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

I floated around and was a lead teacher for the closing out of the school year. I had a good year with the kids. Camp starts on the 30, and I am going to help. I will be the art teacher in camp, and it will be a dry run of what could be like the school year. I have my lesson plan for the summer and school year finished, I think, for the most part. I know for the summer I do.

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