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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 23, 2023

This week I was a floating teacher until Friday when I was semi-lead and semi-helping. But I also got to be the art teacher on Friday for a few minutes. I had to think of a project for them to do. I decided to do a guided self portrait. It was a lot of fun. The children enjoyed it. I also got to read to them and did the reading the way I like to, which is to read the first page, and then the children read each page. I also helped in a class on Thursday- watching educational YouTube videos.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 23, 2023

Feb 20-24 was my break. It was good.

Monday 27, I covered a class that I have been in. It was easy.

28 I covered the same class. It was easy. A child barfed on the playground.

3-1 I helped in PE and then floated around.

3-2 I was in a class to help. I went to the other building to cover a class. It was exhausting.

3-3 I floated a little. Then I decided to help at the book fair. It was a lot of fun. I was talking to a reading specialist and told her my degree and minor. She wanted me to be the lead. I said my minor was studio art. I said she was like you should do that next year. She went to my boss, and my boss was in the lunchroom where the book fair was and said Sheila, you want to do art, and I said yes, you're on. I got some art books at the fair that I will put into my classroom because I have room. I have ideas. I'm so excited to do art.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

On Monday I covered for a teacher. Tuesday, I floated around. Wednesday, I covered for another teacher. I floated around on Thursday, went to work to get sick, and went home on Friday. I also got a gift from a teacher that I covered on Wednesday. I have learned the powerfulness of having stuff written- like motos to remind me that what I choose to do is okay with my boss. LIFE SAVIOR. These are my motos.

My mottos in big enough to read

Bigger version of the bottom one

The power of hanging them in classrooms that I am in for a week

my gift.

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