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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 23, 2023

This week I covered and floated around. It was a crazy ish week because it was the first week back after spring break. I was doing the alphabet sounds, and I said what starts with e, and a student says poop. We went over the spelling of that word and pee. He got bored, so I was like, let's do ABCs of human anatomy. it was a full-on cold call on the students.

One of the students told me on their talker that they love me. I never had that happen. Another student decided to play with a bug. Another student decided to make a mess of their classroom, and a student was in there who could have said stop but didn't just laugh with or at the teacher. A student who gets hungry randomly decided to have Brussels sprouts or something like that at 9 am.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 23, 2023

20-24 I floated. I also did classes. I got bit by a student. I am good. We had the auction, and it was fun.

27 I covered for a class.

28 I floated around work.

29 I floated.

30 I lead a class.

31 I lead the same class as the 30. It was good in the morning. The afternoon was poop.

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