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Welcome to Sheila's job blog at GA. 

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

On October 17, I stayed home sick.

On October 18, I floated in the morning and checked in on a class because their teacher was out. It was the little children. They were adorable. I was with little children all day.

October 19- I covered for a teacher for a few minutes and then for a different teacher for a few hours, and then she came back. I made notes with her class. Then I could float but had to recover her class because she had to pick up her child. We also went to the sensory room because they earned it; it was a lot of fun. I learned that a different teacher trusts that I will bring that student back when a student escapes from class. I do- but it's still funny. I learned that a student will only sing when I come around in the class to hang out.

October 20- I was able to float around. I went to different classrooms. I helped the children.

Tomorrow the students are going to a pumpkin patch, and I don't go because I am a floater and so I don't have students. So, there is no point, especially because the parents are going. Plus, tonight, when I got home and after dinner, I looked up how long the drive would be. It is a 1 hour and 29-minute drive. HAHAHA no, thank you for that short drive.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

This week I was a lead teacher a lot. If I were floating around, it would only be a few hours until someone needed me. I went to cover the older children's classroom. I went to cover a 7-9-year-old classroom. It is a classroom that I have had before. They can be a handful, but two of the children keep me sane and make me laugh. The teacher loves my organization and planning. She even took a picture of it. It was a lot of that classroom I covered for.

I was told during the week that I am a student whisper- can make this child calm down, do work, and do anything else.

I did cover for the little ones today, which went well. We even had the fire department come in, so the children got to see how they dressed and got into the fire truck. I even got to go in because a child was scared, and I was like, what if I go- yes. I got to talk to the pe teacher about sports because I had no students, and he said I could come back any time to talk about sports.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

Yesterday I covered a class. It was little ones. It was super chill. And easy. A whole lot of girls. We made a card for the teacher.

Today I covered the older student's classroom. Then I helped a student. Then I went to cover a class. Then we had clubs. Then it was time to go. I had two classes. One of the classes was easy because other teachers stepped up and helped. The teacher who is my shadow student admitted that I am a whisper.

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