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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Oct 17-20

On October 17, I stayed home sick.

On October 18, I floated in the morning and checked in on a class because their teacher was out. It was the little children. They were adorable. I was with little children all day.

October 19- I covered for a teacher for a few minutes and then for a different teacher for a few hours, and then she came back. I made notes with her class. Then I could float but had to recover her class because she had to pick up her child. We also went to the sensory room because they earned it; it was a lot of fun. I learned that a different teacher trusts that I will bring that student back when a student escapes from class. I do- but it's still funny. I learned that a student will only sing when I come around in the class to hang out.

October 20- I was able to float around. I went to different classrooms. I helped the children.

Tomorrow the students are going to a pumpkin patch, and I don't go because I am a floater and so I don't have students. So, there is no point, especially because the parents are going. Plus, tonight, when I got home and after dinner, I looked up how long the drive would be. It is a 1 hour and 29-minute drive. HAHAHA no, thank you for that short drive.

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Not sure how I missed this one…

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