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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

Oct 6, I was in a class covering. It was one of the crazy days but fun. One of the students didn't have listening ears. The usual trouble student was good. The one that minds his business was crazy. Making words up, sort of. Being very persistent on what a picture was. The same student gave me grief that I knew Pete the cat would make him happy.

Today I was in a different classroom. It was super laid back. Not a crazy class. We watched Ratatouille- got bored, and couldn't agree on what to watch, so we had a laptop with happy feet and an iPad with the secret life of pets. Then a minute before recess, the secret life of pets for the win. It was art day.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

This week has been very much one thing than a teacher or my boss realized the class needed me to stay in that class. Monday.

Tuesday, I floated around and then had to cover a class. Then we went downstairs and covered another. Yesterday I was told I would be with the older children- because that is where we thought it was needed.

Today I got to work, and the teacher who would be my partner teacher if I was with them noticed only three children. I had two. He had one. She told me to see where I am most needed. Then my boss showed up and said hey can you go downstairs and cover for the little ones with their therapists. Type did. My mentality was that older children had to sit at the desk and watch. Then I decided to sit with a child while they were doing therapy. It got me motivated to do work with the kids. We did a worksheet; We also had a good and quiet day. So, at one thirty-five, when one of the students was eating a snack, and another was trying to take some, I was like, movie time. So, we started to watch Flushed Away. They enjoyed it. I could tell because they stopped taking food, and their eyes were glued to the tv. In one part of the movie, one of the kiddos was jumping up and down. And they still were quiet. It's been fun.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

I was in the same classroom on Monday and Tuesday for Wednesday. Then Thursday, I got to float around. I also learned that one of the students who came to me, the dismal teacher, is like the child could go to you, and you have it until it's time to go. Then the other teacher needed help getting the same student out to go home. Another teacher fixed that problem. Today I was in a nonverbal class 2 out of three. It was crazy. I helped them with art. We watched Ratatouit and a little flushed away. I also saw my copy friend- who said hi to me today. Pretty sure he would have done anything to let me follow him. The student gave me a high five. It's now fall break for me!!! YAY!!!!

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