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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Superhero wednesday

Updated: Oct 28, 2020

Today was a good day at school. I got to retell The Three Little Pigs even though the student who pointed out to the teacher she forgot me didn‘t do his. But I got to be first. Children retelling stories and they get to be creative are great for example using multiple peices of paper and adding extra animals to stories. It was a lot of fun! Today a great line from a kiddo was “I want a ghost.” It was superhero day and it was so cute to see them dressed as superhero’s. Last night I decided I wanted to redorcate my room. Tommrrow is custome day!

Desk update

Putting string lights in my closet #watchtoomanyvlogsortiktock #lotsofvera


three little pigs


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1 Comment

Oct 29, 2020

Looks great, Sheila! Love, Dad

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