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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Freebie Friday

Today was good. I had professional development with my school. It was helpful. Then I had a little break. Then at 2:15 me and two other members of my service went to Spot in Amherst. We were supposed to go to Elemwood. We got there just late. Then at Spot we sat and talked. I’m with a whole bunch of non city people. They like hunting, chickens, and guns and etc. Then me who’s like the city has not much of that. Then we walked up and down Elemwood avenue. It was fun. It also flurried snow. I was wanting to be like it’s snowing during PD but I stayed quiet.

I got a goodie bag of food from my some of the service behind the senses people and a thank you note. We found a comic book place and they had free comic books. Then my clockwork orenge came from a give a book or take a book. Halloween bag that’s in the bag had some candy and then the bottom photo that has my name spelled wrong had more food.

elemwood, lean cuisine and cider for dinner, and plus a wallet that was super adorable.

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Oct 31, 2020

What a great afternoon out & about!

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