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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

Today was a good day. In class, we read a book about families, and it made me sad. So I had to turn my camera off, and then I tried to turn it back on to be there, but that was not a good idea. Sadder. After that, it was a break. Then I saw I had a message from someone. It was one of my students. Saying I love you- as a service team, we figured it out. It made me happy. Plus, you know I haven’t been at home to teach for a while when that same student notices you have a bed. Apparently, my teacher is also a squishmallow fan! Tomorrow if you want a free Starbucks from 3-10 - 3-12, order ahead of a grande or larger to get that coupon. I also learned in the squish world that five below is limiting customers to two squishes.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

I haven't posted in a long time because my grandfather died. I did work on Monday, but mom called me that night. #Noblogpostthatnight #mewassad I had to take the day off on Tuesday, Wednesday I flew to PA, Thursday I rode with mom to CT, stayed until Sunday, Feb 28. It was all the Catholic funeral deal. It went well. Here is one obituary:

I got to stay at the farmhouse. The farmhouse that mom and dad are renting is such a farmhouse. So country. So much land. So noncity-like. So farmy. It's the boondocks of PA. Gypsy struggles inside that house. It's also old and cold. Bring a sweatshirt or two! If you want the address just message me, mom, or dad. Mommy even got me a Squishmallow. It's bigger than the other ones I have!

I was finally back at work today. The school was good today. I am online all week, so I can make sure everyone is safe. I played my Switch today. My parents will be glad to know that I think if I have to leave my laptop in the apartment I can get my documents on Google Drive I think. Thank you, Rebbeca Forman and Jill D. for thinking of you cards. The long awaited free k cup coffee that dad got me from buying certain cereals. It hasnt been open to be used.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Feb 21, 2021

Today I slept in. Ate my leftover pizza from Wednesday. Then I went to Walgreens to get some things that I needed. Then I went to another store and came home. Played on my switch. I had ham and apple sauce, Tostitos chips, and Mike's seasonal drink that is pictured.

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