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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 26, 2021

Today was a good day. I got a shout-out in PD with my school. I also got tasked with drilling letters and sounded one on one with children. It might be other things than letters and sounds. But it still is something to look forward to. I watched a lot of The Fosters. My mom is great cuz she did my taxes. My dad is great, too, Cuz he can find anything on google.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 26, 2021

Wednesday was good. One of my children during small groups wanted to cut his pants. I told him if he did, I would sing SpongeBob SquarePants, "Ripped Pants." The children found it funny. That same child decided to eat ketchup out of the bag.

Today was good. Crazy. In the classroom, my teachers decided to start using blue tape to get their small groups. So, there is a flow. Plus, the children didn't like that they didn't win or get a lot of recognition. Always be this cohort. The children wrote a poem about flaming hot Cheetos- which is popular among the students. We did it in front of the school, and it went okay. Not great, but still. I even scheduled a haircut. Oh, today in steam, we did habitats for animals again. I did the same thing on Tuesday with the kiddos but didn't bring any of my stuffy. On Tuesday, the teacher told me to bring some real stuffed animals, and I did today. I was able to give three animals. One was a rubber duck (window decor), a pig (my car buddy, but I have gritty), and a bunny (small stuffy, so I used it as window decor). One of the children got to use my stuff animal, the German shepherd, and it was a good sport about giving it back to me and choosing another. Plus, my Disney squish comes along a lot of times.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 13, 2021

Today started well. Then went to chaos in many ways. Going from students who are independent to dependable on their adults is hard. Those are the two classrooms I deal with. Doing that change in one day? Not me. That’s about it.

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