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Welcome to Sheila's job blog at GA. 

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 26, 2021

Today was a crazy day. I was supposed to be in one classroom for half the day, but that didn't happen because they needed support in the other classroom. After all, one teacher was out. So, I was there all day. It's so odd how children can respect an adult very easily and then not. It's also frustrating for me sometimes. Especially when your schedule gets changed, I knew that was going to happen, but it's your first day doing math groups in the classroom; you do ELA in for small groups. Like the class went from being on top and focused, too distracted and no respect.

During the weekend, I had a gut feeling my schedule change today, and I would have to be needed in the other class.

Other than that, it was okay.

Having three different rotations of children- 2 groups switch week by week, and then one group stays in person at school all weeks. Just a lot of change, forgetting you are cared about in a place that doesn't seem to care. I did take my lunch break, and I did my planning time. Just so much change. I wouldn't say I like covid; none of this crazy stuff would have to be—the different cohorts' part of the school.

#Mondayblues People were also jaywalking when driving home like no cars are driving in the streets. Plus, you know your life is way too exciting and takes up your time when you miss the fact that a big superstar in baseball gets let's go. Albert Pujols.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today I had a training day with my whole service group. It was good. I over slept. I got free pizza from school yesterday so I had a slice for lunch. I got hydroaroma therapy. It was quiet the rest of the time.

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