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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today wasn’t that exciting, well it kind of was because i got to help in steam with the second graders. That was fun. Exhausting but still fun. Life has been quiet and not very interesting. i was having trouble motivating my self to cook raviolis but i did because I didn’t want to do dishes like the big pot for pasta. I was thinking of having cereal. I went to the grocery store on sunday and got cinnamon rolls which I have been eating for breakfast which have been so yummy. my allergies have been acting up i get congested sometimes. I made my self a cup of coffee because i have a half filled cup and didn’t want to finish it and be unhappy i had no more Tom row in the morning.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 26, 2021

Sunday, I went to target. Then I came back to my apartment and chilled.

Today I had work. It was good. Not a lot of excitement. I went to Michael’s to get decor for the graduation cap, which I finished.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: May 31, 2021

Today I slept till eleven and then made a mad dash to get ready so that I could stop at Dunkin’. But there was a line and a long one. So, I skipped it. I went to get my hair cut and nails. It was good. I tried to stop at Starbucks but then got stuck because it was one tiny little parking lot. I also went grocery shopping. I found a stack of rip it and win from my grocery store. I took them. And scanned them. I also found a penny. Then I just chilled at home.








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