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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Jan 16, 2022

Wow, I didn’t realize it has been almost a month of me no posting. I have been busy with my children. They keep me on my toes. Wrapping things up for Thanksgiving break, it was three weeks left until winter break. They had a paper and project that they would also be doing during winter break, and trying to teach/guide them how to do the writing process is complex. But I did know the answer when my head asked what the first paragraph in your essay is called. My hand shot up like a rocket. We learned new things and then went over everything we learned. Trying to guide my students through doing finals was also a struggle, and then doing multiplication and division teaching them. Struggle bus. Then I had finals. Ew. Yuck. Not my favorite. Plus, they are smart with the adults. Taking notes in class- the students think my teacher goes fast.

Meanwhile, I can be keeping up with her and not be doodling. I can also type without looking at the keyboard to look at the whiteboard for notes. My students even said I am a fast note taker. Today some of my students gave me gifts for the holiday season. It was nice.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Feb 6, 2022

The past two weeks have been busy. I probably have switched classes, and I forgot if I have.

High school- one student that can be problematic and then tell mom lies about it. So, it's a show sometimes.

I got asked once by the students if I would be in the classroom the next day, and I said it depends on staffing, but most likely, I will and explained that the teacher in this classroom could handle anything. I asked the child if he liked me being in the class, and he said yes.

My students have made progress in asking for what they need in academics.

I take notes for my teacher, and I love typing while I look at the keyboard and know where the letters are. It makes life easy.

My teacher wanted Popeyes, and I got to put an order in for what I liked. It was great! The person who placed the order was at recess which the student later wanted to switch to watch documentaries, and I would be with little children. That conversation didn't go far. The para didn't think I had ever been to Popeyes.

I also got told I looked like a high schooler and then a 30-year-old. Of course, my teacher brought up that I am close in age with the students and worked before. HA, I surprised her with the amount of work I have done.

The students in high school have exciting conversations.

I got the picture from my teacher that she was done with some of the behaviors and set clear rules. I took notes of the children's behavior, and she was happy with the letters. So, they are grounded. I can't wait until Thanksgiving break and be able to sleep in.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Nov 20, 2021

I am sure that I have been flip-flopping between high school and pre-k. So, my brain can go from working with big children to small children. It’s exhausting. But it can be a lot of fun. My and high school teacher be vibing at times. Sometimes I think high school is grateful for me because I don‘t / want to teach weird things to my students. But the teacher across the hall wants to teach the child that. But yesterday, I was able to play football with some of my students in high school. That was fun and with another para who is the original para in that class. I had to channel from when I was in high school and playing softball, and my coach told me to go towards the ball. My high school teacher was also jelly because I got pulled.

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