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Welcome to Sheila's job blog at GA. 

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Nov 20, 2021

Monday, I did have work. I worked in the classroom, organizing my teacher materials, cleaning, and rearranging.

Tuesday was good. I was in my regular class. Nothing too fun going on.

Today was interesting. I was in high school. Then I went to primary to help. It was something else dealing with those little children. I also guess that a few teachers aren’t coming back. So, teachers are being moved around.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Nov 20, 2021

This week was short because we got a fall break. My headteacher didn’t feel well. So, I was in charge of the class. It was fun. But I swear it was a longer time than it was. I did it Monday and Tuesday. I got to drive my coworker home because the headteacher that I work with went home early and then did not come in. It was only my second time driving my new car. Hahaha, but I did well.

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