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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Wednesday through Friday Sep 21-23

Updated: Oct 20, 2022

I was in the same classroom on Monday and Tuesday for Wednesday. Then Thursday, I got to float around. I also learned that one of the students who came to me, the dismal teacher, is like the child could go to you, and you have it until it's time to go. Then the other teacher needed help getting the same student out to go home. Another teacher fixed that problem. Today I was in a nonverbal class 2 out of three. It was crazy. I helped them with art. We watched Ratatouit and a little flushed away. I also saw my copy friend- who said hi to me today. Pretty sure he would have done anything to let me follow him. The student gave me a high five. It's now fall break for me!!! YAY!!!!

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