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Welcome to Sheila's job blog at GA. 

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

Today started hard. Then it became easier after I talked to my manager. Then it became like Christmas joy because I am not going to do online teaching starting Monday. I get to be in the classroom with the kiddos all day! I’m so happy.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

I forgot to write yesterday. It was a good day. Busy. I went to target to get frozen fruit. Today was another good day and busy. First, one of my roommates decided to get Dominos for dinner and share it with everyone! The second was that I got a package from my friend.

This was the second good thing. It’s a gypsy in the south.

The second good thing was that my aunt loves me and is sending me a printer! #favauntie Don’t worry, roommates, you can use it.

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