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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Nov 20, 2021

This week was good at school. No drama that affected the whole class. I didn’t look at the correct answer key, so the test scores that children got were bad. My teacher helped me, and I helped her. One of the children has allergies that were wrong on Friday, and the poor thing wasn’t thinking straight because of beneadryrill. We did science experiments. They had fun doing it and making a mess. Many times, my teacher and I have the same sense of humor. Sometimes she gives me a stack of papers and be like, deal with it. Then, of course, I deal with it and realize after I think it’s fixed that a page was missing and I had to go back. Other times she likes, can you pack my stuff up or clean my desk. This week her normal para came in, and the class was a mess and asked if everything was okay. When it wasn’t, I cleaned a lot, and she was doing something else.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Sep 20, 2021

Today started sort of bad because my coffee my second cup of coffee didn’t taste good. I got to school, and the students were in a good mood. The teacher decided to change the furniture to accommodate another desk for a student who didn’t have one. That didn’t make a student happy, so we had to take a toy away from them. That same student can be very stubborn and definite. I went to Claire’s and bought squishmallow. Plus, my drive home was hard because some drivers like to tailgate so much that you can’t see to make a turn into a lane. My blindside was covered by a car. So, it was a long day, and tomorrow is going to be the same.

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