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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today I didn’t get up to much. I ate brunch of sorts. Then played some Stardew. Then just hung around in my room doing nothing very extciting. Then I decided to try to hook my PS3 to my laptop no go. Then more hanging around the room. Decided to vacuum and clean parts of it. Then i made lasagna and it was yummy. Watched the fosters while it was cooking and after dinner i did watch more fosters until my computer needed to be at the charger. Tonight i have heard a whole lot of sirens. Talked to granny and mom.

My lasagna

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Oct 19, 2020

Today I woke up at 8:50 am, and my body didn't want to go back to sleep. So I started my day. I first finished my order from Target for my grocery shopping. It was easy. Then I ate cereal and started my laundry. Including my beet sheets!! While they were in the wash, I did some art- meaning put quotes up on a big sheet of paper. Then switched the load into the dryer. I got notified that my order was ready, so I went to Target. I got my stuff, and I decided I wanted Starbucks. I couldn't figure out how to get there even with Google Maps. So I drove around. Finally stopped somewhere and put into my Google Maps, and it was sent to Starbucks, which had a drive-through. Probably drove on a highway, not evening meaning to. Sorry ma, but I did get off the first exit I could find. I did get passed a lot, but I was driving at the right speed. Finally, I went home and emptied my stuff into the fridge and freezer. Then I got my laundry from the dryer. Dryers other then my house hate me. It always takes two or three times of me using it to get my stuff dry. Now granted, I do everything in one load- so my loads could be big. Folded it and put it away. I decided to get my computer out and organize my labels in my emails. I then decided to clean out my storage on Google. Now, do I know what I deleted? No. #regretting, I also put my bed back together. watch this YouTube video. You will spot three people you know.

Then I made Indian food- not realizing it was a pressure cooker meal. It wasn't my favorite, so I made a PB and j. I finished my smoothie from Friday and ate my PB and j. I took the trash out and cleaned the kitchen a little because it was somewhat messy. The stovetop floor using a dustpan and broom, and Clorox wipe. I also knew I was dropping rice from my Indian food.

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