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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Saturday I was still with family. My parents, I and the dog went to some brewery for lunch and then to Lake Erie State park. I was able to sleep in. It was preety. But freezing cold.

Sunday is when I deparated from family. I rode with my cousin and that was fun! She is super cool! She isn’t that far from me. Plus before we left she was getting coffee and I was able to join and that was a blast. I did miss her older sister.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

After the Musume we went to Cherry Street lounge for a late lunch. It was good. Then we came back to Aunty house and let the dog lose. Then Aunty and my cousin came back. Then my cousin went out. Then aunty had her sister and friends over all older then me. I was the only young person. It wasn’t all that fun. But I did get to play my switch and animal corssing and got new DIY projects. Gypsy slide down the stairs and she also got hissed at by the cat. Didn’t notice. The cat be wanting attention.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

I know I haven‘t posted But I have been busy.

Wednesday I had a half day and washed my clothing. Then mom and dad picked me up and I went to their hotel and we got food. Then we watched The Heat. My parents know how to be cheap when they make me wash the dogs sweater. I did.

Thursday I woke up and ate and they picked me up late only becuase dd was closed. Wegmans was open and they have good coffee and sandwhiches for breakfast. I only had coffee and I still have a donut. Then we drove to Jamestown. We got to Jamestown and hung out. Then I met my cousins and remeet my aunts and uncles. The adults went to a bar that parts of my family work at. The younger ones stayed home and watched football. It was only ten of us for thanksgiving. But if you walked by you might have thought more.

Today we went to the national comedy Musume. It was interesting.

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