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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

Today was a good day. In the morning, I got a shout out for the work that I did yesterday at school. At the end of class, two of the children shouted me out for being a nice person. Then I sat in on one of the small groups, well I sat in on two, but one of the children asked the teacher, “why does she not teach?” Meaning me. The teacher explained, and I asked if the child thought I should teach. I didn’t get an answer from the child, but I got a smile out of the teacher. One of the small groups I sat in on the child is supposed to be with me on certain days but isn’t because of other commitments, but the child is smart and super funny. I was also able to talk to my teacher, and it felt great to talk and learn about the children and her.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

Today was a crazy day. I went to my first meeting. Then I went to the dentist. Then I came back and helped in an online school. It went well. One of the children wanted to go into my classroom. During the weekend, one of my teachers emailed and asked if I could help with prepping for their supply pick up for the students, and I said yes Very quickly. Then once class got done, I went to my school but had to stop at McDonald’s for lunch, which was my treat. I gave my teachers holiday cards. One of my teachers made a bracelet and gave me chocolate. She is one of my favorites. Then I got home and had dinner. Then I played the games that I like.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Jan 3, 2021

Today I didn’t do a whole lot. I did the laundry. Texted my mom for her doctor's advice. I played my switch and iPad: watched tik tok and Hulu. I reorganize my card collection.

all nice and neat

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