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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today was not that exciting. I woke up at ten. scrolled through TikTok. Then ate lunch. Then I decided to open my CDs from Taylor swift. Did some art with them. Colored a picture that has a goal for me. I called my grandmother. I went on my computer and fell down a rabbit hole. I played my switch and made dinner. Which was ham and apple sauce. I put in shelving Liner because some of my shelves are yucky feeling. I vacuumed too. I put my gifts for my teachers in my car so I wouldn’t have to make multiple trips in the morning.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Jan 9, 2021

Today I woke up at nine-ish. It's a miracle. #Iprefertenamwakeuponweekends But I ate breakfast, started the dishwasher and laundry, then went to Tops for grocery shopping, I found a quarter and then went to CVS. When I was at CVS, I saw I got an email that I had a package, so I stopped to get it. It was from the Taylor Swift Store- it was her new albums that I ordered. Then I came back to my apartment to put my groceries away. I unloaded my groceries and put them away. Then I switched my laundry loads and ate my lunch. Plus, put my dishes away. I did some artwork with the Taylor Swift stars she sent and the ad for Disney plus movie she has.

Then I went back out to Target to get shelving liner and frozen fruit cuz they have the best selection. I went to Starbucks that was drive-thru and ordered myself a Passion Fruit Ice Tea using 150 of my stars to expire, so I now have ten. I am also desperate for coins to the extent I unbuckled myself, my car was parked, and grabbed a penny from the dirt in the Starbucks drive-thru line. Drive-thru lines can take a long time, and I hate holding my brake for a long time, so I put my car in park. #coins #ididsomethinglikethatincollege I lost my reuseable bag in Target and didn't want to leave my stuff, so I bought a new one and then went back to find and found it.

I came back home and put the stuff away and then played my switch. I made dinner, which was ravioli, which was yummy. Today I decided to put my cookbooks behind my sink because I didn't have enough room underneath, I thought... But I did but didn't feel like putting it back. I also reorganized a food closet. While I was doing that, I emptied my oreo cookie bag and put them into sandwich bags for the upcoming week's #mealpreping. The magazine collection is what I read during my dinner and rip out recipes that I want to make. I have already knocked out three or four magazines that are trashed because I read them. I thought of mom when I saw the pictures of beer and what goes with food and beer. #evermore #folklroe #taylorswift #peoplemagazine

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Today was an okay day. I had a PD with my school. We talked about the situation in DC. That’s tough. Then I felt disconnected from my teachers and students because the head was giving useful info that I can't use. After all, I don’t have the info. Then I had to enter in time for my small groups and played my switch. I got a Panera for lunch. So yummy. I signed my self up to write cards to a turning six year old for its birthday because why not spread joy and use my collections of cards I have. A trait that only comes from mom's side. I watched more hunger games.

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