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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

Today was an a-ok day. I ordered ink for my printer cuz staples are far. I tried to go ace hardware, but my GPS took me down a one-way street that’s supposed to go the other way. So I quit and went home. I ordered what I needed online. Then I decided to go back out and see if I could find squishmallow, and I didn’t. Why? Because they make life better. Plus, my parents are slacking on sending me a mail. But at target, I got cupcakes for myself. I had ham for dinner. They could send me squishmallows. Played my switch.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Feb 21, 2021

Today I had a hair and nail appointment at 11 am, so I had to be up at nine, so I could give myself time to get to where I was going. I was able to start my laundry. I also gave myself extra time, so I could get Dunkin’, which I did. I got coffee and a donut. I got to my hair and nail appointment and was there for almost an hour and a half. It was nice. But boy, Buffalo drivers are stressy, and the streets aren’t clear on one or two lanes. After that, I went to my normal tops and went grocery shopping. I ate my donut at the Tops parking lot before. I bought a Lunchable but got home and realized it was so late in the afternoon there was no point. So I ate a snack. Then I played my switch. Then we made nachos as we did at home when it was super bowl Sunday. I then hurried it up to start my dishwasher. Ran it on a heavy rinse. That took a while. I forgot to add that I cleaned my car using car Wipes that were part of my snow remover Brush That mom got me at SFS action. It worked like a charm. Expect for the fact it was frozen. So I brought them in to defrost.

The picture of the soaps on the green thing. Story: I think my mother deprived me of my teenage years and learning how to use a bath bomb. I have two. I decided to use one. It didn't work. It’s either she deprived me of learning how to use one. B I am impatient. C I stored it for too long, so it’s dead. Let’s hope it gives me multiple uses.

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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Updated: Feb 18, 2021

Today I was with my school. We had our morning huddle as a school, and then I had a short break. Then it was time to do small groups that take place on Fridays. I did that. Then I talked to my teachers, and it went well. Then I was dismissed from work because they didn’t need me. I had nothing else to do work-wise. So freedom of playing my Switch for 2 hours and then another 4 hours, I think. Played animal crossing, blades, stardew valley, and overcooked. I went to Starbucks to get a drink and got a cake pop. I rode with the windows cracked open because I needed that. It wasn’t that exciting. I watched national treasure again.

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