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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Wednesday and Thursday

Updated: Sep 11, 2021

Wednesday, I was beaten tired. Plus, physics teaching is exhausting. Plus, my mother made me think that she left a squishmallow behind at a thrift store. I decided to change into adult clothing because I was wearing my nightgown previously, and being able to rescue said squishmallow, I needed real clothing. Cuz, my parents wouldn't let their child wear PJs outside of the house. I also got wall decals for my room.

Today was a maddening day. First, my car radio decided to turn off and on and then just completely shut off. Then I got to my classroom, and my teacher told me that the children were assholes and babies. We also didn't have my close working student to make things fun when the other children were off the charts. I had to color towards the end of the day because I was so brain-fried. Then on the ride home, it started to rain- thunder and lightning. So, I stopped at Target to come home in a better mood and not be mad and throwing my anger at my parents. Your welcome, parents. I got a new squishmallow and a book.

All my squish are back together, and here is a picture of them.

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