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  • Sheila E Sullivan


Today was a crazy day. Kindergarten was trying our paitence. Then during class my phone calls and it’s the dentist asking for earlier and I said yes. So I had to cancel one of my groups. I had to go to the dentist to get my tooth fixed. My two front teeth are fake so a small part of the filling fractured. I had ham and applesauce. I learned that the letter e is it pronounced here becuase of dialect so my teachers have a tough time teaching it. I learned my car is smart. It has a snow flake right near the temperature. Thanks to my college friend i now want to catch up 9-1-1 tv show by Jan 18. I’m so glad my parents taught me that I should eat what I have and not throw out food. Also my part time job piggyback treats. Also mom has to be last minute with donation and ask me where to donate online. Lol I don’t know where that is. I love her for her donation.

frac and fixed

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Sheila E Sullivan

Well you can’t see my tooth being broken if I smile normal



Um, thanks for the closeups?

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