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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Tuesday and Wednesday

On Tuesday I had school service that was virtual and I did it from my apartment. It was a very short day only 9 to 2:30. I had to edit some service paper that I use to keep track of hours. After that, I did my adult stuff first after I finished it I colored some of the keywords that Kindergarten teachers use. Then I watched the Fosters. That show I started on Sunday or Monday I forget. But it's so good. It's on Prime and so free. Then I made dinner and premade some of my lunch. My roommates order pizza and they included me. I was happy to have chicken fingers and mac and cheese. I went to my room after the apartment watched America Says and let my self get sucked into The Fosters. #Itgotlatereallyfast #Ihadanearlymorning I had a good day on Tuesday!

I have been indifferent classrooms both days. I am enjoying my co-teachers and apartment roommates so much. I love the fact I have my own room and bathroom so I have a place to call my own.

Wednesday I had school service at school. It was good day for the kiddos. I learned today what my schedule is going to be like. I am also going to be in the classroom every day until it shut down But lets hope it doesn’t because I am not one for learning at my apartment.

This is the coloring I have been doing.

I made an Instagram post cuz I hadn't posted since I got my license. The key thing here is the quote that I am trying to work on. The head of the school has said it. It's on my planner so I won't forget.

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