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  • Sheila E Sullivan


My ride got to school before it started to snow. Then it started to snow. Today I was at school again. I got to run a math class to support the children. It went well. They seemed to enjoy it. I thought throughout the day that we would get early dismal because of the snow. I was wrong. We stayed. I came home. I went to a meeting for like 10 minutes, and then I had to talk to someone on the phone. It was useful. Then I made dinner. After I ate my ravioli, I went outside to clean my car. It helped get out a lot of my emotions. Buffalo loves to give ice first, then the snow. So cleaning my car, I clean it off easily because of the snow, then it's scraping the ice, which can be thick. It also gets in your eyes. Plus, I did shovel out my tires a little, and that snow was heavy, and I was like no more shoveling. I am sure that I channel my parents or my father by cleaning the car the night before. Now is it going to make a difference in Buffalo? Who knows. But it's worth a shot. I also started up my car to warm a little and clean the front and back windshield.

FYI cleaning my car is what got me through virtual school.

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