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  • Sheila E Sullivan


Today we met up at our service school. Then learned what the school was about. Also review of some education class. The school is about culture and what’s going on in the world. #loveit The school atmosphere is great too! We- service team are also I think making fast friends with one of the leadership people. Then the school provided lunch for us. It was yummy. Then my team did team building quizzes online. We then talked about what the leaders service looked like. We got to leave early.

I cut my nectorines into bite size peices for my smoothies in the morning. Boy it was great to use a non used knife that hasn’t been worn! I put them in the freezer for tommrrow smoothie with the other frozen fruit.

This is my dinner from tonight. I had a prepared meal, it was stew so I needed pasta which I made. It was delicious! But I wanted more broth but that meant I needed a bowl. I was not about that. But if I had more broth I would have need a roll or bread which I don’t know where to get cuz I want to make a meatball sandwich.

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