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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun., and Mon

I have been very busy/lazy in updating my blog.

First, on Thursday, I went to school and helped out. It was good.

Friday, my parents came up, and I had Teams meeting with my service group. It was good. Then after that, the Sullivans and two of my roommates went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner. It was yummy.

Saturday, I woke up early in anticipation of my parents. They arrived around 11, and we switched my summer clothing into a bin and my winter clothing in to ready to go. Then we had lunch, and we headed off towards Jamestown. We went to see my mom's side of the family that is up here. It was great to re-meet everyone that came. Too bad my parents didn't listen to stop at Walmart.

Sunday, we were still in Jamestown. We went out to Southern Tier Brewing Company. Yummy grilled cheese. Then we drove back to Buffalo and went to mass. Then we got Chinese food for dinner. Parts of it were good, and others not too tasty.

Today my parents left. I had a rough time getting myself motivated. But I finally did and went to Target to get groceries. It went well. I hung up some Halloween decor in the apartment.

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