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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Sunday Lazy of sorts

Updated: Jan 24, 2021

Today I woke up at around ten. Then I ate my brunch, which was my leftover lasagna. I then called my cousin Lizzie and talked to her. Then I decided I did not want to be at home where I was just tired, and I would be at home tomorrow all day being on the computer. SO I thought today is the day I would buy new plates and bowls. So off to Target, I went. I got to Target, I found the plates and bowls and decided to get more frozen fruit. I also treated myself to a new Squishmallow. I also got some more hangers because mine have been breaking on me before winter break. Yes, I know I bought 2 of the same bowls, but they are pretty. They look like porcelain. I purchased four blue plates because the rest at target was white and dull. #boring #brightcolors I bought the plastic ones initially because they were cheap, meaning 50 cents, and I thought it would last me the whole time. #dontrunthemthroughthedishwasher #dontdomariecalbeefpotpieonthem #redsaucenoplasticplateslikes I bagged all my new china into brown bags at Target. My bowls were separate and put into my HomeGoods bag. I used the slightly bigger Target brown bags; I used one as the main bag and then put the plates in with the somewhat more giant Target brown bags so they wouldn't break. So I have three brown bags diving the plates so they wouldn't break. Mom, aren't you proud of me for my safety of items?

I love having a freezer my self because I can have so much frozen fruit and a fridge filled with adult beverages. Plus juices galore and applesauce. Yes, I have a frozen fruit obsession, but I make smoothies every day or close to it. Plus, Tops has a lousy selection for frozen fruit. I am also a frozen fruit slut, will buy ANY KIND frozen fruit bag. Though I have to be careful buying the berries medley ones because they can be seedy, you can slightly chew on it. I also avoid cherries.

The Bills won last night, which is excellent.

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4 commentaires

Sheila E Sullivan
18 janv. 2021

That’s why there are pictures


18 janv. 2021

Those videos make me dizzy.


Sheila E Sullivan
18 janv. 2021

It’s a stuff animal


18 janv. 2021

What is a Squishmallow???? 🤢

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