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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Sunday and Monday

Sunday, I got home late, like 11, and that might not be true for some. But for me, it is. Sunday morning, I woke up and went to the grocery store. Then my team finalized the plan for the Superbowl party. It was only 7 of us. It was fun. If your Cheifs fan, I could see how you thought it was rigged. I cleaned my sinks, toilet, and bathtub before I left for the party. I also vacuumed and talked to my friend Tori, which was a lot of fun.

Today was a good day. The students struggle with counting by fives and their teen numbers. One of the teachers asked me before I left about my schedule and students. Apparently, she needs my help teaching science and with the children. But it will be fun because she is fun. It's probably going to cause a ripple effect of teachers being like, I need Miss Sheila. But it's fine. My friend who lives near, we ride together on certain weeks, and today she asked if I wanted Dunkin. Of course, I said yes. I got coffee and a donut. #imisscollegedaysofgoingtwiceaweekanddwasclosetocampus

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What a great update from today!

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