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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Saturday and Sunday

Saturday I sat around my apartment until I got my test results back for Covid and I was negitave. Then I went to target to grocery shop and got my eye glasses fix. That target was huge enough I could get my grocery shopping done. The nose peice was a mess. The doctor looked at it and said oh boy. It did get fixed. I also got chipotle for dinner. Sunday- today I hung around the house. Then went to cvs. Bought some stuff. Played my switch- I spend way to long on Stardew valley that I lose track of time. I had shrimp scampi - pictured below and can’t decide if I liked it or not.

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08 de mar. de 2021

Also... how happy you should be with a second negative test!


08 de mar. de 2021

Glad the eyeglasses got fixed! 🤓

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