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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Nov 28- Dec 2

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

On Monday, I floated a little. Then I helped a new-ish floating teacher with a class. On Tuesday, I was with a class that was a handful. So much so that my coworker offered to let me take a student to the other building and grab a sweater for a child. I said yes so fast. I got a gift that day. Wednesday, I was with the older students. We celebrated a student's birthday. Thursday, a lot of students went to see the Nutcracker. I helped in the little children's class and then went to help some of the older ish students. I got coffee from my coworker. Today I floated a little. I helped a little in art and then had to lead a class. That class used to be a handful, but now it's not. It's so easy. It was a good week. Today I also gave a student a piggyback ride because the student was scared of a dog. The class had music today, and the music teacher. The music teacher was not answering my questions, so I let the students have music without the music teacher.

Some gifts I got this week and being the top teacher to raise the most money.

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Dec 03, 2022

Did not know about the piggyback ride… 😲

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