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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Monday thru Thursday

Updated: Aug 13, 2022

So, on Saturday, I woke up feeling like I had an allergy attack. Then Sunday, I woke up and asked mom, "are you sore from the five k we did. She said let's get you tested. I was positive. So, I have been home all week with my parents. Sick with covid. But today, I got a call from work asking if I could come in tomorrow, and I said yes. So ya girl is going to work tomorrow. She could have gone today but no one did the math. I am covering a class I have been in that is pretty chill. I have my bags packed with books that I liked as a child and a movie, and going to pack my laptop for movies. It feels so nice to be wanted at work.

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13 août 2022

Hi - I got the COVID, too. Any ideas who Patient Zero was? Asking for a friend. 😷😂

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