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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Monday and Tuesday

Updated: Aug 22, 2022

Monday, I was in charge of a classroom again. It was a different class than Friday. It had almost all teenagers or just boys and was interesting. We did a lot of math and the calendar. Two of the students like not listening to directions or arguing about where they are supposed to go; when they come back, the boy doesn't get their toy back. So, there was unhappiness. They turned it around after lunch. The one boy still had some dismal behavior. I still have said toy—three boys in total.

Tuesday today, I was in an older class. It was me helping the lead teacher. They ate lunch at 1:00, and I was starving. I did not do much. I did try to be activated because it was cold in that classroom. At dismal, I had to help another coworker understand one of his students. In the room, I organized the fake money for the teacher. Mix of boys and girls, but there were four of them. I had fun with both classes.

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