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  • Sheila E Sullivan


Updated: Mar 20, 2021

Today was a good day. Not a lot of exciting stuff going on. I mean, except for the fact that during small group time, the other classroom needed me. So, I had to go there. It was great. Those children were so happy to see me. I had to help with math in both classrooms- the one I got pulled to was helping a student do math with stickers for counting. Then at the end, one of the other children wanted a hug. I was gone for too long- to them; it was years that I was gone for when it was just for a week. Saying I had to go home for an emergency the children weren't a fan of. So, I had to tell them that I missed my family. I could buy garlic bread when I went grocery shopping, so I got to have it with my chicken parm for dinner.

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1 Kommentar

16. März 2021

That is such a nice experience!

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