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  • Sheila E Sullivan

March 11-18

Friday, March 11, was an a-okay day. I had to raise my voice at the students. Not a lot of excitement that day happened.

This week has been a struggle for me with work. We changed how my small group ran because of the students. I had to raise my voice very loudly at one student. It turned into yelling at the class because they didn't know how to mind their business. Today my headteacher did a lot of the yelling.

My headteacher and I decided this week or on Friday, March 11, that I will keep track of how many times one student inserts itself into the conversation when not supposed to. The student gets joy out of it, and I do too.

On Tuesday, I learned (the brother works there and gets a ride from my head teacher. I am the sub.) that little brother was asking Monday afternoon Sheila ride tomorrow? Sheila ride tomorrow? So, on Tuesday afternoon, she asked him who does he wanted to ride with, he said the headteacher's name and my name. But 3:15 rolled around, and he picked me up to drive them home. Today the same thing happened, but when the headteacher asked, he stated Sheila drive. My teacher wanted to make sure I was cool with it, and I was. So, since we both can't make decisions, we let the little brother make decisions.

If you need to contact my parents- make sure you add five hours to EST because they are in Italy. So today was the first day that I ran the house independently and got myself to work on time.

Today I rolled into work, and another headteacher came in too. I was walking to the building, and a headteacher car parked in their spot, and music was blaring, and my boss asked if it was a particular teacher, and I am yes, it's said, teacher. We both started laughing. Then I gave the teacher grief once he got into the building and in his classroom because he is a neighbor of my class, and we now probs are going to try to see who can play the loudest music. I couldn't do it with the rain with my car was playing loud music.

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19 de mar. de 2022

Hello from 🇮🇹! Glad to read the posting!

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