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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Got to Buffalo

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

Mom and dad drove to Buffalo, and I rode shotgun with mom. Mom drove the Volvo. Dad drove the van. Mom and I got Starbuck! We had lunch somewhere in the middle farm country PA, where we were entertained by watching a dog not want to go back to the car. Kept lying down. We finally got to Buffalo and checked in to our hotel. Mom and I won to the hotel. Waited for a little for dad then went to

So good. So local. It reminds me of when I went. It was yummy. Now we all chilling in the hotel. If you want my mailing address, I will have it all tomorrow. Tomorrow we unpack and meet my roommates. They will get treated to a dinner of sorts and shopping.

Views of driving to Buffalo.

The picture is of me in the car with all of my stuff to get to and from dinner.

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