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  • Sheila E Sullivan


Updated: May 2, 2021

Today I got to sleep until 8:30. Then I helped with small group time. I then went to Dunkin to get a dozen donuts and ice tea with a blueberry flavor shot and went to the office and got to be with just my team. I then came home and hanged out.

Please help. Tap on the link that says Gabrielle Threet and heart it. My last weekend doing it. Please help us get to first place. Voting will be open at from 4 - 9 PM today, 9 AM - 9 PM Saturday and Sunday, and then again from 4 PM -9 PM on Monday. The five finalists are counting on you; keep voting!

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01 may 2021

Hopefully some of the dozen were for team members?😀

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Sheila E Sullivan
03 may 2021
Contestando a

Yes. I only took five home.

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