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  • Sheila E Sullivan

Down 3 days of BTA

Updated: Oct 16, 2020

Today we had another day of BTA. We first had a Q and A session about City Year's work. The managers and second year gave us advice on how to connect with students and websites to use. Talked about behavior management, games for students, positive framing, allow the students to talk to you and being decent when the students are acting out. They gave us a lot of information on it. It was a lot of Responsive Practices and Accessing Community resources—education terms and flashbacks to my education classes.

Then we talked about Power and Idealism how to have power and idealism- what both mean etc.

Then I talked about budgeting and saving money. You got to be frugal with your money.

Diversity, Belonging and Inclusivity, and Equality. To me, it reminded me a lot of my education classes that I have taken. Like when I learned about person-first language, professional language, responsive practice. Relationship between development and learning. "Educate with grace" was something that stood out to me because it's when you talk out your emotions to someone, and then whoever made you upset, you go talk to them. (Word, vomit).

We also discussed the growth mindset- there are two types which are growth and fixed, which is basically in education terms self-fulfilling prophecies and how challenges can make you grow. The hard times can change your way of thinking. Flashback to education class.

The Power and Idealism, and Diversity stuff all reminded me of education class. I could put them into the sections of my final binder that I had to do. It would be so easy. I was bored during those times because it was Education classes again.

I was in my education classes again a lot today, and it was only 9-4:15, not four years.

The phrasing of how my service puts it bothers me. They should just use the education terms. During this whole time, I was also catching some of the hockey games that were going on starting at 11 am. #Collegepaidoffsortof #mypayingattentionilearnedcorrectterminology #edmajorproblems #Imissedseniorsem

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