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  • Sheila E Sullivan


Updated: Oct 16, 2020

Today was a good day in school. It was a lot of fun in the afternoon when we had STEM, and the teacher brought a REAL TURTLE!!! I got to take pictures of the kiddos and the teachers holding it- I did not hold it. The school held a BBQ drive-through, and that went well. The only part that did not go well was that my car battery died on me. So I had to call my mother to ask her for help. Thank goodness someone in my service had cables to jump it, but that person was swamped and said we would do it after the BBQ. 6:40 came around, and we tried to do it than my car alarm, I think, went off. My car was being a brat. Then someone's husband from the school was able to help us after he did something for his wife. Then I was able to get leftover BBQ. It was delicious and tasted better, eating it with my apartment roommates and talking about my crazy day. I had a drink because of the car being a brat. And all my family would be proud that I ate chicken on a bone!!!

My hands after I ate. Then the bones I ate off of. Then what I brought home to eat.

Oh, I also got a basket from my service, and it came with a year's subscription to Burchfield Penny Art Center. It came with a snack, a sticker, a towel, and a basket containing all the goods. I also got a mask. I have used the basket for all my masks. Some people got potholders, but my towel fits me well; it says "Coffee Time"!

The basket with all my goodies that got put in a mask holder. And a picture of my coffee towel.

Here is the fall stuff I got for my apartment during the weekend. The extra drying towel on the other side of the sink helps one of my roommates keeping her floods down because she knows how to make a flood.

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